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Cyprus… Turk… Mediterranean…
The island of Cyprus is the neckless of the Middle Sea. She is called “Kıbrıs” in Turkish. “Kıble” in Turkish means Qibla (Mecca – The direction to which all Muslims turn to while practicing in mosques.) Kıbrıs and Kıble… These words are very close (as you see) in Turkish because from Istanbul the island of Cyprus is half way to Qibla. By sea…
Instead of focusing into the beauties of the island, let’s focus on the history of a conflict: There was Romans on the island about for 500 years. Then Turkish Ottomans for about 700 years… Then British for about 50 years… Then the island became independent… And formed a state of Turks and Greeks together. That was the Republic of Cyprus. The national money bill had both Turkish and Greek on it for instance. Then at 1963 Greece faced a coup. And this coup spread to the island and hatred has risen towards “the barbarian” Turks. The Greek coup governance of Cyprus applied a strategy of driving the Turks out of the island by massacring them.
Turkey, as a neighbor, tried to find a diplomatic solution to the issue for years. But the situation was clearly out of hand. The Turkish citizens of Turkey started to go furious after hearing and reading news of Turkish Cypriots were being killed in mass numbers daily.
At July20th of 1974, Turk acted. The Republic of Turkey launched a blitzer operation to the island: Operation Attila. Tens of thousands of Turkish paratroopers poured on the island while the marines were landing on the island by the coasts. The air bridge was constructed. The decade lasting and murdering coup of the island has fallen. Turks drew a line to the middle of the island. 38% of the island was for Turkish Cypriot. The rest Greek and English.
The main concern was to prevent civilian Turkish Cypriots from getting killed. So; the 2 states aim produced an environment of forced peace. After this, Turkey has waited for years. Then started to try to unite the island again. In peace. This did not work. The former General Secretary of the United Nations, Kofi Annan came up with a plan to unite the island. The island went on referendum. Turks said “Let’s unite again.”, Greek Cypriot decided “No”. So there’s has been no option left other than the two states solution. Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot.
In an honest way, what we need to know about the conflict of Cyprus is that one side is saying “I’m right”, one side is saying “We are both right.”
Greek Cypriots want the Turkish Cypriots to leave the island. They want them to just disappear. Like vanishing. It’s hysterical. They use (use!) faith in order to gain support of the West.
Turkish Cypriots are on north of the island. Turkey has built a pipeline underneath the Mediterranean to bring water to the island. This water is being sent to the Southern Greek Authority. Currently. This is the only source of water for the island. And Greek Cypriot still is enforcing embargo over Turkish Cypriot. The situation is absurd.
The status is like the Civil War of the USA. North says “unification”, South says “this place is all mine”. The map of the island is also like miniature of the map of USA (I Want One – Xlibris Publishing, Semitik – Cinius Yayınevi). Thoughtful coincident.
Turkish intervention on the island lasted 4 days. Exactly 50 years ago Turkey acted for the defense of Turk’s right to survive. Turkey faced decades of international embargo because of this like the Republic of Turkey was at guilt.
Turkish says: Cyprus is a Turkish island. Cyprus is a Greek island. We did and can and will live together. Sing together. Gather at weddings and funerals together. Celebrate each’s festivals and play backgammon.
If “no”. Then let’s live next to each other in peace.
Turkish Republic of Northern Century is 50 years old now and still waiting a broad international recognition.